Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 12/20/2000 - 9:54pm.
Archived comment by Larry Hosken:
Back in my day, The UCB Housing people were often vexing, but could be cowed. I took a semester off school for a work co-op/internship. The co-op office said I could still use the housing office's apartment listings. But no-one told the people at the housing office.

So I showed up at their office and they didn't want to let me in--as far as they were concerned, I wasn't enrolled. I asked them to explain their position very carefully, and they did. And as I realized how screwed I'd be if I couldn't use the listings, I think maybe I tensed up a lot and maybe clenched my jaw a lot as I talked.

They let me check the listings, and I promised to talk with the co-op office people to find out what was up.

When I talked with the co-op office people, they said that I'd made an impression on the Housing Office people: "They said they were glad that you never, uh, actually turned belligerent."

I was allowed to keep using the listings. And nobody had to get hurt.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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