Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 12/20/2000 - 1:50pm.
Archived comment by nightfever:
Are religious arguments a common thing here?? Darn! I like them sometimes...

We don't have sorrorities or frats or anything like that in Ireland...the largest uni in the country (UCD) has about 16,000 on campus. So, not all that big. But it does have 3 bars now!

There are only about 7 unis in the whole country and 4 of them are in Dublin. And, being from Dublin, I lived really close to one of them and so was living with my parents until August!

I am wandering now! Must stop! Am tired (but not drunk!!!!!) and am going back to Ireland in the morning for xmas hols! hurrah!
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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