Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 12/20/2000 - 10:27am.
Archived comment by Matt:
Site Goddess,
Ah, The Squelch. Good bunch of boys. I still laugh about the "ejaculatte" pornographic coffee.
First off, I'm about as close to the Greek system as one can be, without actually pledging. Let it be known that _every_ frat up here on the East Sieed (yo) wants to do social events with Tri Delt. Although, according to a triple-triangled friend of mine, the times they are a-changin' and they're becoming the "hands off" sorority, still full of hotties, but ones who don't play. Much.

Oh, and Houseboy is a guy (sometimes two guys) a sorority house hires to do things like clean the bathrooms, dust, pickup around the place, help with the dishes, etc. In return, he gets a room in the house (usually next to the garage, with its own bathroom), three meals a day, and a stipend, usually around $50 a week, I think. Pretty sweet life, I wager.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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