Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 12/20/2000 - 9:34am.
Archived comment by seleta:
Mike...hold on to your seat...even, *I* did not feel compelled to jump back on that wagon!!! (Cheers heard in the background!!)

If he could somehow become a "fly on the wall," he *might* gain that insight brought up earlier, but he would probably leave dazed, confused, and generally baffled. (TANGENT ALERT) One of my daughters once asked why boys are so weird (there were a couple of boys around doing silly...normal...boy things)...and I apologetically told her I had no answer for her, and told her that, in fact, she would be asking herself that question for the rest of her life...but the *good* news was that they would be asking themselves the same question about her!!

I think it has already been mentioned here that if women came with instruction manuals, most guys wouldn't read them *anyway*...and that is why no one has really bothered to write one (hahahaha).

There ya go, Mike, how's *that* for aiming the fire-throwers in another direction?
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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