Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 12/20/2000 - 4:45am.
Archived comment by Gornar:
I don't think it works that way, Testas (gaining experience and using it, I mean). I lived with plently of girls in a coed dorm my freshman year, and spent a lot of time being the only guy around. The lesson I learned is that being a guy with a large group of girls makes you an asexual friend, and they treat you differently than if you were some mysterious guy that they don't know. Most girls SAY they want to date people they know, but I've never seen one go for any guy they are already good friends with. I made a lot of really good friends that year, but had to completely change my MO if I wanted a girl to be attracted to me.
Maybe it's different if you're attractive, though. But then there probably wouldn't be time to become friends before a soap opera ensued, and there's nothing worse than a large group of females against you. It's like fighting off rabid leprechauns.
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Anne Onymous
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