Posted by Anne Onymous on Sat, 12/16/2000 - 1:19pm.
Archived comment by Yermom:
Over the last few years that I've lived here, I've begun to doubt that Berkeley still deserves the liberal reputation that it earned years ago.

Sure, you've got some street vendors, some students who dress funny and there a dozen or so oddballs who run around on the southern edge of campus, but so what?

The once rabble-rousing hippes have all grown up and moved to the hills where they've become established, child-rearing conservative hippies. They want to keep out the future and protect the Berkeley that was.

Why else do you think you can't find an eating establishment that's open at night? (The only one that is even close, Top Dog, is filled with years and years of right-wing propaganda.) Why else do we have those horrendous flowerpots blocking the street everywhere? That's the reactionaries trying to keep their precious neighborhoods quiet.

And free-speech is all but gone. Political protests at talks as of late have gone so overboard that the speakers couldn't even be heard. Who is stepping on whose first ammendment rights again? At least our mayor is right on this one:

Your name:
Anne Onymous
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