Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 12/15/2000 - 10:53pm.
Archived comment by Matt:
Site Goddess,
I miss that guy who dresses up as a Native American (maybe he really is; I can't tell) and dances around, in women's platform sandal, no less, while playing a fiddle.
Or Preacher Eddie. Preacher Eddie was cool.
Stoney Burke's always good for a laugh, but his act gets old pretty quickly.
I saw the piano player guy on Sproul the other day.
And last semester I saw Chuck one day, who is this really, really overzealous overweight, mid-30's, White, balding, preacher guy. He yells a lot.
Southsi-eede is where it's at, yo. ;-)
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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