Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 12/15/2000 - 10:10pm.
Archived comment by IP Admin:
Matt, when I first arrived at Cal I was surprised that there was more diversity in the dining hall staff than there was in any of my classes.
But then again, I was taking engineering classes. In my physics lab two semesters in a row, it was a class of 29 asian guys, and me -- I _was_ the "diversity." And that was strange.
That's chaned somewhat, even in my CS classes now there's more diversity of all sorts.

Berkeley _is_ home to a colorful set of characters, such as the aforementioned Rick Starr, and a few others I haven't seen in a while. (I keep hoping pinkman or the happy-happy-happy guy will show up so I can write about them.)
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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