Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 12/15/2000 - 9:49pm.
Archived comment by Matt:
I go to Cal, just like the Site Goddess (IP Admin: whatever).
Cal's an interesting place. Take 34,000 students, add 120,000 full-time residents, mix in the fact that the city of Berkeley is generally considered the last bastion of liberalism in America, bake for 30+ years of nostalgia for "The 60's," and you can understand why I find bad James Bond re-makes, androgynous African Americans, and scantily clad glitter girls (no relation to Glitter Boys, "Rifts" fans!) only mildly interesting.
It also doesn't hurt that it's a public school where tuition runs about $5,000 a year, which means unlike that homogenized, wannabe Ivy League Stanfurd down the street, where all you need for a diploma is Daddy's checkbook or the ability to run 40 yards in under 4.3 seconds, Cal is hanging on to a little something called "diversity," even if it's true that most of that diversity now comes in the form of the non-students who populate places like Telegraph Ave. to get a little "atmosphere."
Short question: long answer. Don't blame me; I'm an English major.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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