Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 12/05/2000 - 1:25pm.
Archived comment by seleta:
actually, according to the old testament and scholars in apologetics, Lucifer (the devil) was an archangel, like Gabriel and Michael. Gabriel was over the messengers of Heaven, Michael over the warriors, and Lucifer over the "chorus" if you will...over praise and worship...he was the most beautiful of angels and there was music as he walked, etc. he (Lucifer) decided he was more beautiful than God and deserved the praise and worship due God and started a rebellion. he (again, Lucifer) and the hosts of angels under his command were cast from heaven and given rule over the earth and were told even at that time that God would always be stronger and would be victorious in the matter how things appeared. It is accurate to say Lucifer hates stands to reason that if God created them for His pleasure and to give glory, and Lucifer wants that same glory, he and his minions will stay very busy in order to distract humans from fulfilling their purpose...whether that distraction is deception, distrust, pain, anger, or whatever you can imagine. only editorial comment is that i find it rather unfortunate that God did not take his beauty from him...

ok, ya' sermon intended *what-so-ever*, but the "learned" (pronounced learn-ed) preacher's kid in me couldn't ya all...please don't kill me....please....boy, this one probably *will* get deleted
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Anne Onymous
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