Posted by Anne Onymous on Sun, 12/03/2000 - 8:10pm.
Archived comment by Passerby:
He was born closer to when His death and resurrection are celebrated (probably mid to late April),and the Roman calendar which we all use is widely known to be approximately 3 years off;so, if the crazies had been correct and He was to return in the year 2000, it actually would have taken place in the year 1997.

Jewish holidays and Pagan are the ones that have remained the most unblemished throughout history...isn't *that* ironic? (from the standpoint of them being very philosophically opposed)

Also ironic is that Satan is the "father of lies" and yet the "Church" (not specifically one denomination) has often fallen into a trap of lies by glossing over Pagan holidays with it's own. Sad...very sad.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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