Posted by Anne Onymous on Sat, 12/02/2000 - 9:53am.
Archived comment by steff:
mike, i know the feeling about being out of place just slightly no matter which place you go. fortunately, i don't care. =P i probably would have let loose one of those embarassing snorts at the hantavirus comment. and, and, there's something about satan's evil twin carl. it rings a bell that i thought i had muffled. what is it? WHAT IS IT?? something to do with my sister and carl wanting a wife. or was it stan? hm. that's it. STAN is satan's evil twin, which fits right in with the annoying habit of naming twins similar names. er. c'mon sis, i know this has something to do with you. quit lurking and help me out! i sound like a complete nut job here.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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