Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 11/30/2000 - 10:46am.
Archived comment by Mike:
It's not easy being an ex-biology English major. Some things just don't carry over well.

TEACHER: Now, the conceit of this poem is a mouse motif. What words do you think of when you hear the word mouse?
ME: (caught off guard) Uh, hantavirus?
(dead silence)
That would have gone over *so* well in microbiology class...
(silence continues)
I, I have to go to the bathroom....

I shouldn't be so rough on them, though. My chemistry class would give me the same treatment whenever I brought up a book or a story reference. (Even science fiction!)
Maybe I'm just an anomalous freak no matter *where* I go....
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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