Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 11/30/2000 - 5:57am.
Archived comment by Mike:
Yes, it's true! Satan himself is responsible for tempting proteins into synthesis, which occurs whenever they disobey any of the Nucleic Commandments. My favorites are:

1) I am the lord thy Nucleus. Thou shalt have no other DNA before me.
2)Thou shalt not make unto me any viral image or any likeness of any microbe that is in heaven above, earth beneath, or the water under the earth.
3)Thou shalt not take the tRNA of the lord thy Nucleus in vain.
5)Honor thy ribosomes and thy mRNA.
6)Thou shalt not denature.
9) (for antibodies) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighboring cell.

The Devil delights in pulling proteins from the path of righteousness. Pray for protein salvation!
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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