Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 11/22/2000 - 2:32am.
Archived comment by Mike:
You know...
I once believed that this section would become the biggest and most mop-ular; who knew I'd see those soap scum to such a bleaching halt? Days have gone by without so much as a poop. This place used to be the Zest! Everyone caulked about it, and it actually managed to live up to its pipe. Oh, well; I guess it doesn't really bladder in the long run. I mean, I really don't Pine-sol the new people and subjects; actually, they can be pretty stool. But I hope no one gives me the evil Ivory-turning to this section once in a while. Once you get started stinking up bathroom puns, it gets kind of hard to shit.

Grout for now,
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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