Posted by jcharles on Tue, 04/27/2004 - 3:38pm.
It's good to be back. Sorta. I'm not actually sure what "back" means, unless you mean "back to posting on Inpassing." Or even "back to posting on Inpassing in your right mind." If either of those two are what you meant, then it's definitely good to be back.

If you mean "back to America," then... I'll have to get back to you on that. International food (aside from "Chinese") is good. Shoe shopping is good. Old friends are good. Family is... sometimes very good. I'm sure this bunch is pretty well versed in the not-good about our home country. And our friends from Canada and the rest of the world are usually pretty well versed in what's not-good about America as well.

This is getting too political, and too grammatically tortured, so I'll stop here. Thanks again for putting up with my crap.

shenme shenme shenme - It's a cat!
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