Heh heh heh.
Posted by paul on Thu, 04/01/2004 - 9:14pm.
I too have a common name, but it reveals some very interesting stuff. For instance:

paul is campaigning for on your behalf
paul is one of the worst things
paul is prince charles
paul is that man
paul is a native and long
paul is known as 'silk' to all who know and love him
paul is not our savior
paul is out there
paul is a particular favourite in the west
paul is the coolest person on the face of the planet
paul is making the band's ex
paul is the minister of finance and when he grows up he wants to be prime minister too
paul is selfish and only cares about his career
paul is her cousin so they share some lines
paul is running a covert

(I initially misread that last one and got one hell of a laugh. I thought they had me confused with Monk.)
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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