Jerkass Marmots...
Posted by slugbuggy on Sun, 03/14/2004 - 1:46pm.
Around here the weather has mostly been in lawful compliance with the Übergroundhog's decree that winter it is, and wintery it shall remain until the calender says otherwise.

I think it's because we keep waking him up when he's trying to hibernate.

*buzzsaw-like snoring sounds*
"Phil! You in there? Phil? Prognostication time already. Phil?"
"Huh? What...oh, it's you guys again. What time is it?'
"February. The second."
"Crap. Jeez...okay, here's a prediction for ya: YOU'LL ALL BE MAKING ST. PATRICKS DAY SNOWMEN AND WONDERING WHY THE HELL IT'S SO DAMN COLD IN THE MIDDLE OF MARCH, and then you'll look back on this day and wish you'd let me sleep in for a few more weeks. That'd be my guess. And here's yer photo op:"
*moons cameras*

Transcript of events not verbatim. I'm just guessing on some of the details. But it has been really cold still, and that seemed like the most likely explanation.
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