Depends on the hangover
Posted by Saint on Fri, 02/20/2004 - 11:06am.
If it's so bad that poking my head out into the sunlight makes me puke, then no, I don't go to work. If it's just a headache and general blargh, then sure, I go. In the US, Wal-Mart doesn't consider illness an excused absence (even with a doctor's note; you actually have to be in the hospital for all to be forgiven), and enough unexcused absences get you fired, so you have to pick your battles. If I had a job that would let me call in whenever, without fear, then I probably would, even for a little hangover. After all, feeling bad usually goes away by noon, while a call-in lasts all day.

I always thought that if I ran a business, I would give my workers a few 'mental health' days a year. Sort of like the previously mentioned f*ck-you days, but without the f*ck you. You'd just call in and say, "I'm taking a mental health day" and it would be counted as an unpaid but excused absence, no questions asked. It would save workers the effort of coming up with a lie when they really mean "I fought with my SO and I can't stop crying" or just "It's too nice out to be trapped inside a concrete box today."
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Anne Onymous
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