My Pet Peeve
Posted by Apple Man on Mon, 02/02/2004 - 12:40pm.
Cell phone usage,,, my pet peeve and bane of my existence.

Being a truck driver, I see alot that most people miss. I would easily put the number of distracted drivers at near 75% or better. Anytime I get cut off by a car, or see a car going slow in the fast lane, swerving, braking for no apparent reason, almost every time they have a phone in their ear. I carry one too, but I use a hands free and voice dialer, so that I'm not distracted by having to hold the handset against my ear, constantly switching ears, dialing numbers, etc. Use a hands free or don't use one.

Okay, enough ranting. Way to touch on my sensitivity there, Eve. Oooh raah, lol. jk.

In all seriousness, nothing bothers me more than sitting in a restaurant and having the person behind you talking obnoxiously loud on their cell phone. Are they trying to sound important? Overcompensating for something? ugh.
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Anne Onymous
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