Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 10/16/2000 - 7:28am.
Archived comment by Irene Ouellette:
You never know, that approach may just work. The fact of knowing that someone cares, even a stanger in passing, may get them to look at their situations...However most of these decession are naot made on the spur of the moment...The children are mostlileky the ones that will need the most help if their parents have not communicated with them...Some marrigages are not meant to be saved...However new relationships can be developped from them and sometimes those are bettter....Hate is a very painfull thing, and some choose to break up before they only have hate left....We all change while passing throug lirfe, some of those changes are for the best while others are not....Learning and growing from them are the things we must learn to do so we develope better communication skills...With that rebuilding stronger relationships with the ones we love...A freind, a stranger passing by with words of care and concern are most time welcomed and heart felt, there are some exceptions however..As long as the person is prepared for the exception that they may not be welcomed and wants to take that risk..
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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