Sweet tooth alcohol
Posted by Jon on Wed, 01/21/2004 - 5:58am.
I suppose I know what you mean, Cebu, but I've found a few things that taste good to me, and are still alcoholic. I do drink beer occasionally, but then again, I am a glutton for punishment. :)

My two favorite 'sweet' drinks are both based on Kahlua:
White Russian

The mudslide is great in that you can have dessert and a drink at the same time. Win-win situation.

I've had various LI iced teas, and they can be enjoyable. If they're made with bad proportions, though, they taste like garbage.

Hard cider is somewhat beer-like, but doesn't dry me out like beer does, and I enjoy the flavor more. Besides, if hard cider worked for the early US settlers, it can work for me. (Much of the apples that Johnny Appleseed planted were used for hard cider and applejack. The latter was not originally an artificially-flavored cereal.)
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