Yes they do.
Posted by David. on Fri, 11/14/2003 - 9:42am.
You don't need a box and a board and cards an'etc. to play Balderdash. Back when I was a lad, we had a game called "Dictionary." It was played with pencils and paper and...wait for it...a dictionary. One player would trawl the dictionary for a candidate word; everybody would write a definition, and then they'd all vote. Some game manufacturer smelled a profit and just eliminated the search step by printing up a bunch of cards. You don't even need a particularly fancy dictionary--the OED is great if you've got it, but even the Merriam-Webster Collegiate has good words in it. Why, on just one page I've found thuja, thurl and thyratron--any of which would be great Balderdash words.

I make mistakes, but I am on the side of Good, by accident and happenchance.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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