Posted by Apple on Thu, 11/13/2003 - 6:33am.
"Stop giving Apple trivia-related points unless she really, really deserves them. She's special. Special in a short bus kind of way, but also special in her ability to conjure up the most eye-popping pop culture trivia of the last 40 or so years, particularly with television and movies."
Ahem! Mr Man's froot bat is looking rather anorexic. It needs food. Stop stealin' my shine! :^P I mean, come on! I only get trivia points! How is the bat supposed to survive? And, I was given no points on this thread! I just don't see how people giving me points matters in this conversation. You're just being mean today! :^P And, "Short bus special"??? Gah! You're just trying to get this rant out of me, aren't you??
I wish tone was conveyable with type. I'm sure I wouldn't sound quite so upset that way. *grin*
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Anne Onymous
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