Okay, just *one* TV example
Posted by Mike on Tue, 10/21/2003 - 11:50am.
Because this thread put it in my head and it's stuck now.

About the time I hit puberty I noticed this show on PBS called "Hooked on Aerobics." It featured three people and one of them was a guy, but I only realize that in retrospect. At the time, my attention was focused entirely on the improbably proportioned pony-tailed brunette who led the other two in strenuous stretching and bouncing for half an hour every day as multiple cameras swiveled around her from every angle.

Every great once in a while she'd bring out a trampoline and...

(The strange thing about this is that now, years later, I can find no concrete record proving that the show actually existed. It's like they belatedly realized that they were drawing an unexpected demographic. Did I forget to mention that the show was taped in Provo, Utah? Ah yes, it kindled my long-standing affection for naughty hyper-curvy spandex-clad Mormon babes. Or something.)

Hey, don't look at me like that! I told you it'd turn weird.
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Anne Onymous
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