Posted by slugbuggy on Sat, 11/08/2003 - 9:08am.
there's a Secret Society convening an emergency council of Elders (decked out in the really cool hooded robes (which add an air of gravitas to the otherwise inane proceedings)) all in a tizzy that SOMEONE'S come this close to putting it all together and blabbing out the heretofore esoteric Sacred Mysteries of Roquefort and Divination. The funky mushrooms, henges, Neolithic cow paintings, moldy cheese, heiroglyphics, the mimes- these things are not for the uninitiated to contemplate. The veil has been rent.

Reprisals will be forthcoming. I'd proceed in an armigerous fashion.

(That whole rant just sounded like some kind of Foucault's Pendulum/ Holy Blood Holy Grail/Knights Templar/ Masonic/ Rosicrucian/ etc. connect-the-dots kind of thing. You never know.)
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Anne Onymous
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