Re: Original quote
Posted by Mike on Fri, 10/31/2003 - 11:07am.
Did we ever establish which particular drug they were talking about? All the politics and time travel talk made me lose track.

(...Or maybe no one else can see the posts about politics and time travel: maybe it's just a net-related manifestation of a mental disorder I'm supposed to be staving off with a handful of pills.

Which I can't take.

Because, you know, no one's given me a brand name yet.

...So this is why those muttering homeless guys hog the internet at public libraries!)

P.S.-- Okay, okay, I really just wanted to test the html for breaks after seeing all the "having problems" posts. (*edit: Huh. Auto-breaks work fine for me.*)

P.P.S.-- Time travel's been invented over and over across the universe. The problem is that the silly inventors keep forgetting that the rotating planets they live on circle stars which swing through spinning galaxies in an expanding universe: traveling even a millesecond into the past or future sends them into the stratosphere or into the mantle (depending on your world's rotation period and time of day). Inventor tries it, inventor gets killed, invention is lost... over and over again. Go looking for dinosaurs and boom! you're in a quasar!

We'll either have to wait for someone to invent both time travel and a teleporter and integrate the two into one functional unit (yeah, good luck with that) or hope that the two separate inventors meet by chance when the teleporter just happens to bamf himself into the outskirts of the same galaxy that the time-traveler has just heedlessly flung himself from.

P.P.S.-- No, I'm not taking any of this seriously. Duh. Here, have a random link.
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Anne Onymous
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