My cool new shirt
Posted by Intelligirly on Tue, 10/14/2003 - 7:40am.
Ahh, my lovely new shirt. *hugs it close* I wuv it.

My cousin Chris is a firefighter. On our relative trip this weekend, we went over to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner, where said cousin was also partaking. He was wearing a heather gray shirt from the fire department that said, "Firefighter Our Last Name". I complimented him on that and said that it was really cool to see my name coming after firefighter. He asked if I wanted it, as they'd recently switched to the navy blue color as their official t-shirt. I said absolutely and am now the proud owner of an official firefighter shirt!!! I am now "Firefighter Intelligirly".


Over the Rhine is in a Jon Favreau film!
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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