South vs North
Posted by Taragirl on Tue, 10/14/2003 - 6:05am.
I grew up in the North and moved to Florida while in college. What I have noticed is that the work ethic is stronger for those raised in the north than the south. It has been my experience that when I hired employees who graduated from a northern high school, they are more productive and don't use up their vacation and sick days as they accrue. And I am also gun shy here because I brought this up at a management training class and EVERYONE pounced on me and turned it into the "you mean southern people are dumb and you are better." I truly understand the frustrations of having to deal with expectations and staff turning them into something else. Maybe what we need is a "How to Manage and Avoid Expensive Employee Allegations" management class. It sure would save some of us from the experience. Just my 2 cents.
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Anne Onymous
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