Posted by ChristyMC on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 1:51pm.
See, it's exchanges like these that make me strongly opposed to having taboo topics for jokes. There is no better way to get to know a person than to see how they react to a joke, whether they laugh, do nothing, or get up and walk away. See, now I know more about both Sewicked and Social Neanderthal than I did before.

Of course, I'm not advocating telling horrendously offensive jokes and then watching people to see what they do, but having blanket rules about what topics are acceptable for the expression of humor prevents people from expressing very important aspects of their personalities.

On a side note, as the Northern offshoot of a Southern family, I have to say that the South really is pretty funny. Only in the South does "Golly" become a four syllable word.
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