Social Neanderthal,
Posted by Sewicked on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 10:12am.
I'm sorry that you had/are having those experiences. It is wrong to be called racist for holding a minority (of whatever kind) to the same standards as everyone else. My uncle was once sued but he was lucky in that there were other minority employees who stood up for him & testified that the fired employee was a lazy (insert expletive of choice).

And it's just a joke 'cause I am white & Southern. My favorite jokes are those that target my own, um demographic is the best word that comes to mind. And knowing that you can't see my voice or hear my tone of voice, plus knowing that I don't always make clear my joking intentions with words alone, I tried to make it clear that I was joking & that I wasn't making fun of them but of us.

I hope that things improve for you & that justice prevails. Good luck.

FYI, I vote Independant, Democrat & Libertarian (depending on who they've got running). I've never actually voted for a Republican but it could conceivably happen.
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Anne Onymous
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