Double standard
Posted by Social Neanderthal on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 9:18am.
So why is it when someone makes jokes about white's in general or white southerners, it's just a joke, but if a white man makes the same kind of joke about one minority or another it is automatically assumed he is a hate filled racist?

You will have to forgive my sensitivity to these kind of comments. After years and years of having to prove I'm not a racist simply because I'm a white male from the south, it all gets a little old.

And frankly, I may be more than a little bitter due to things that have happened to me personally. I sincerely hope none of the good people on this board [hypo and sewicked included] have to endure 5 years of slander and lawsuits simply because a minority decided they didn't like being held to the same employment standards as everyone else.

Come to think of it, I AM more than a little bitter. [maybe tomorrow I'll feel better, it's been a long week and I probably shouldn't post when I'm sleep deprived and caffiene powered]
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Anne Onymous
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