Posted by Intelligirly on Wed, 10/08/2003 - 9:44am.
Oh. My. Word.

In what world is 130 dollars for steak and a drink for two a good price? See, this is proof of how sheltered I am. There is no. freakin'. way, I'd pay that price for food for two people. I envy you your ability to do so. But my brother in law cooks perfect steak and all it costs is the price of the steak. Boggles my mind, it really does. I mean, I live in a very poor part of the country and have only a small job but I make as much as many people who live here and that's my paycheck sometimes!!

Oh, but, "Go Michigan restaurants!!" How did I miss that you live in Ann Arbor? Or don't you?

Over the Rhine is in a Jon Favreau film!
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Anne Onymous
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