It's a lost cause, kris
Posted by steff on Wed, 10/08/2003 - 9:19am.
i alluded to this movie a few months ago (that very scene, in fact) and it was DAYS and many hints before anyone could get it. let's just sit back and watch, shall we?

and, i'll take my nine cool points, now. *grin*

but, i'm worried that we're starting to share food cravings, a'la girly and apple. i've been wanting one of those horrendous things today, and i NEVER do (i mean, big "n" tasty? wtf?! do they really expect that you'll order one of THOSE with a straight face?? hehehehe). nope, i'm all about the fry craving. i know, i know... i think they put lsd in them, though. i can't help it.
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