I adore diners, personally.
Posted by Obsidiana on Mon, 10/06/2003 - 3:58pm.
I adore diners, personally. And not theme-faux-50s diners or oldest-diner-in-town, has-had-the-same-menu-since-1920 diners. I love diners with brown naugahide seats and mirrors all over the place and a random mural of the Parthenon on the back wall. They serve breakfast all day (and all night), have better french fries than any fast food chain, often have cute Greek-American waiters, and cheesecake. What more could you possibly want from a restaurant?

Also...my dad is a complete food snob. So I grew up in a house where most junk food was not allowed and almost everything was made from scratch. On the one hand, my dad is a fantastic cook, so that's not always a bad thing. On the other, I've been conditioned that things like macaroni and cheese are a special treat (I used to only ever have it when I went over to people's houses) and now that I'm in college, I eat way too much of them.
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