Political Rantings
Posted by Joe Napalm on Sat, 10/11/2003 - 12:26am.
Oh, I see how this works... ...it's when I start getting political that everything gets shunted off to the so-called "Political Thread". Sure, go ahead and oppress the helpless Efreeti, just cause he's a minority. "Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" Anyway. I don't feel up to commenting on the bread and circuses, anyway. What's the use in always being right when bullheaded mortals never listen, anyway? Now I know why that chick at Delphi was always so glum... Right. Anyway. What's the big deal about 5am? It's a fine time of day...if only the birds weren't so @#$%ing cheerful about it. -Jn- Efreeti Sophist
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Anne Onymous
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