Dirty trick
Posted by ParU on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 11:29pm.
Oh you're right hypo. I was speaking of the 'Democrat' dirty trick cause Davis was famous for them. But in reality you are correct. It's a politician dirty trick, regardless of political party. Which makes you wonder why any sane person would want to subject themselves and their family to that sort of activity. Of course this particular 'dirty trick' was orchestrated by the largest news organization in California (the LA Times). So how come there's not more outrage at them?
I know that one of the most honorable people I know of, refused to run for Vice Pres. cause his wife didn't want to subject their family to it. So he's serving as Secty. of State instead. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
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Anne Onymous
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