Arnold and Groping
Posted by ParU on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 11:39am.
Well marinerd - I certainly understand your feelings on the groping issue. But the 'interview' with Arnold never happened (or that part was never published). Prove me wrong - reference the exact words.
On the 'groping' thing I wonder how much of that was publicity seeking? Not that it probably didn't happen, but it certainly was never brought up at the time. And the Director of 'Twins' refuted the allegations about the atmosphere on the set. All in all it was a typical Democrat 'dirty trick' (sorry, but that's the way I see it). Bring up sexual allegations at the last minute. The interesting thing here was that it was orchestrated by the LA Times. The bias of the press against Arnold and actually against all 'outsiders' of the political process is pretty amazing.
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Anne Onymous
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