Posted by Joe Napalm on Sun, 10/12/2003 - 3:12am.
The only laughter I find annoying is the affected kind, really.

(Unless, of course, you're one of those people who's voice can cut glass...*Grin*...)


I went to see The Rundown, Underworld, and Kill Bill Vol.I...not a terribly philosophical troika, but entertaining (which is, of course, my main criterion).

I didn't go to see anything, today. I did watch Road to Predition on cable, though. I mean, just cause I don't go to the movies doesn't mean I'm not watching movies.

Anyway. You realize, of course, that you can't really say "I have good taste"? I mean, you can say it, but it's sort of meaningless when you say it about yourself. Of course you think you have good taste - it's based on your own opinion of what you find appealing. You may as well be saying "You know, I really like all of the things I like."

Basically, "good taste" is an appellation that can only be bestowed by others. That's the beauty of it, really...because it is totally subjective and meaningless. I mean, if I like Monet, and someone else doesn't...well...I still like Monet.

And I find my tastes...impeccable. *Grin*

Efreeti Sophist
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