Not Subject
Posted by Joe Napalm on Sat, 10/11/2003 - 12:59am.
Oh? Is your laugh dangerous, KtG?

Infectious, perhaps?

"Stop...that...LAUGHING! You know what happens when you can't stop laughing!"


My siamese seems to think that I should stop catching up on my InPassing and instead pay attention to him. He is stating this view by energetically jumping up and down on the keyboard with as many feet as possible. I was out of town for a couple of weeks, and he's decided that the only acceptable atonement is to actually go back in time and not be out of town for two weeks. Until then, the Geneva Convention has been suspended...he insists Siam never signed it, anyway, and thus my barbequed chicken was so fair game.

Oh, and I tried to take Gorjira-Cat for a walk, today. It was more of a drag. A short drag, as I'm still sort of gimping around from the whole "Hey, you may not have noticed, but I think your shin is cracked" fiasco, and the whole purpose of the walk is to reduce the bulk of said cat down to less than Volkswagon proportions. Have you ever tired to drag a Volkswagon? One that is being totally uncooperative and pretending not to have any bones, all the while giving that long-suffering to-think-that-my-kind-were-once-regarded-as-Gods-on-Earth-and-now-I-have-to-put-up-with-this look?

It ain't easy.

Thus ends the cat report.

Oh, and I've been to see three movies in three days. I highly recommend them all, but only on an individual basis, as your mileage may vary (particularly if you have bad taste in movies).

If you haven't figured it out, no...I can't bloody sleep.

Efreeti Sophist

PS - Where are my paragraphs! A pox! A pox, I say!

PPS - Forced paragraphs, manually. Take that, HTML! *shakes fist*
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