Political Thread
Posted by ParU on Fri, 10/03/2003 - 9:39am.
Actually Benjy - the long running 'political' thread is about a lot of things. Since I'm the one who's posted there the most, (or ranted the most take your pick) I suppose my opinion might be worth something (hint, hint).

I agree with Saint's point (below) that you can't predict which thread will go off like that and 'burying' it in the previous threads basically makes it a 'private' thread. (Which actually raises a different 'security' issue, ask Eve or me offline about it). Anyway, I too have a problem with 'archiving' the previous threads, One because I can't see them via dial-up and two, because I find the past discussions interesting to read (and others might also).

Also, we 'like' to be 'private' as then not everyone is bothered by my rantings.

So I'd recommend that you do what is necessary to make the political and dream threads accessible (maybe have an 'uber' group of 1000 - i.e. first 1000, 2nd 1000, etc. and then go from there).

Oh and thanks for all the work you've done on the site. Cause I know you're the 'unsung' hero of In Passing.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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