Reply to...?
Posted by Mike on Fri, 10/03/2003 - 8:58am.
Honestly, co-opting a single, unrelated post and turning it into a monolithic thread about "politics" or "dreams" just seems like a really really bad way of handling things.
Like Saint, I hadn't realized that the dreams thread was off topic. The initial quote was about dreams and the conversation kinda just went from there. Granted, it has been going on a bit longer than usual. (hmm, two year anniversary's coming up...) There were other earlier threads under posts about dreams: they always ended up taking a similar direction. I'd kinda rationalized the thread away by thinking that restricting that particular conversation to one post on the subject would keep us from going through the same cycle whenever another dream-related quote was heard. (I know for a fact that there were quotes about dreams both before and after the one from Jan 2001 but I don't know exactly where they are-- just trust me on this one, okay?)

It wouldn't be the end of the world if it was made static, but I didn't realize we were making trouble or anything.

(Oh, and it looks like you need break tags to form separate paragraphs now, Saint. [<br>, <br/>] And I havent made any blog posts yet, Arlene. And I have no idea where this would go as a reply so I'm putting it in as a new post.)
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Anne Onymous
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