Posted by Saint on Thu, 10/02/2003 - 10:59pm.
Well, the problem seems to be that the discussions do, mostly, evolve from posts that originally had something to do with the topic. So that it would be a question of realizing, 'oh, I guess this tangent is going to go on for a while...maybe we should take it elsewhere.' And then actually doing it. Without people responding to the now-moved topic on the thread it has been taken from. I dunno, I'm not sure if that would end up making less work for Eve and yourself, or more. (In our defense, I'd like to say, we all thought we were being fairly polite, burying off-topic rants in the back pages where new readers would hardly ever see them. And I'd still argue that the dream thread, consisting mostly of accounts of dreams, and being under the quote discussing a dream, is not an off-topic thread-heist.)
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Anne Onymous
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