Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 09/26/2003 - 1:27pm.
Archived comment by Intelligirly:
ummm...ParU, darling? I'm so very NOT frightened by Steff. Please. A) not male, whip has no authority over me. B) Dude, she's my sister. I can SO take her.

I'm not insulting her. And I wasn't really referring to social ineptitude. I read the nerd as "loners" not "social outcasts". Ergo, Steff's a very much nerd, while I usually prefer nerdiness with occasional breaks for socializing with the select few.

But neither of us is truly socially inept. We can charm the pants off most anyone. And sometimes do, just for the fun.

Pardon the mini-rantishness of this. Nothing intended. *gentle smile*
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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