Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 09/12/2003 - 1:41am.
Archived comment by DoughPoet:
There is of course the bit where you can have two loving parents who try their best but really don't seem to be enjoying being married and might have been better off separated sooner rather than later. Maybe the reason I have so much sleep disturbance is from hearing their fights through the ceiling from the time I can remember anything.

I love my parents very much, but as we all now try to deal with the post-divorce relationships I have occasionally wonder if we might have been better off if they hadn't waited so long. Kudos to them for keeping it together.......and lack of knowledge as well as many other things means I am not going to theorise, but your parents divorce is no easier to deal with as an adult (imho) - especially 6 weeks after your own wedding.

Lack of thinking through seems to be a very common problem......take that situation to the limits of your imagination in all combinations and then see how you feel about it.
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Anne Onymous
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