Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 09/11/2003 - 7:29am.
Archived comment by Social Neanderthal:
The thing about raising children, and birth control for that matter, is that it isn't quite an exact science.

A phrase my wife likes to throw around is that we need to remember we are raising our grandchildren. [not literally, at least not yet] Keeping this in mind, it could go a long way toward explaining this young ladies comments, because it seems to me her parents didn't do as good a job as they could have raising their grandchildren. It would also go a long way toward explaining why some single parents do a great job and some 2 parent families are quite awful.

Children need role models, they like to learn by observation and role play. If they have good mother and father models to observe, the child is likely to be more successful than if the observations were limited to one side or the other. I would expect most single parents to also have other role models to expose their children too, such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, and so on.

This is not an absolute by any stretch, it just seems to me it would be a necessary part of the formula.

And yes, tying someones tubes is rather drastic. Putting someone in jail for 50 years is drastic too, but the penalty is indeed appropriate for many crimes. Using unwanted children as tools in a relationship is, in my opinion, a rather serious crime. Granted, she was only THINKING about it and quite possibly not in her right mind for whatever reason, so we can't penalize her for 'bad thoughts'.

But what the hell, let's do it anyway. After all, we are obviously highly qualified to make such decisions, and we should encourage one another to act in the best interest of IP at all times.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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