Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 09/05/2003 - 2:45pm.
Archived comment by slugbuggy:
Hey, wouldn't "hamsuit" = "fleshsuit" = "naked body," since "flesh" has the meaning not only of "meat," but also of the human body and the associated sensual pleasures (sins of the flesh and all)?

If you were wearing your hamsuit you'd really be going naked then, as in

"Once we got to the pond we all put on our hamsuits and went skinny dipping."

I hereby blame all the previous debauchery on the insidious subconscious influence of the "hamsuit" metaphor, and let us never speak of it again, although I'm still denying having ever participated in the first place.

...although the original quote is a lot different if you look at it that way.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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