Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 07/15/2003 - 11:23pm.
Archived comment by Matt:
ParU-- You know that's Newport Harbor and I didn't, and I grew up near there? I'm horrified. Genuinely horrified. And if they made it to Catalina in three hours, more power to them. After all, wasn't it supposed to be three hours total, not just one-way?

And yeah, the bison--not buffalo: different animal--were left on Catalina after a Hollywood western was filmed there in the 50s.

But everyone knew that already.

I had more fun in my tent, rooting out the wild pigs and staring them down in the darkness, with only the reflection of their eyes to confirm they were there, hiding in the bushes and snorting a my friend and me, all 300 pounds (or so) of them.
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Anne Onymous
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