Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 01/22/2003 - 6:10pm.
Archived comment by Moosi (m):
been a while, froot bat (Nevermore) is doing fine, although my tamagotchi has disappeared. And Nevermore is looking smugger than usual....

In NZ there are some emu and ostrich farms, the meat is pretty good, although you can get steak for around the same price. Visited Australia recently and enjoyed kangeroo and croc :)

Vegetarin is quite cool, used to date a vegan and so went veggie for a while (I play a lot of sport and body build, it's not really feasible to eat enough protein as a pure vegan). Most of the time it's a case of figuring out good tasting food that isn't meat. Try some Indian vegie dishes (the "cheese" they use isn't cheese as us western barbarians know it as), dhal, falafel, and bean burritos are great.

then again, as a poor student with limited time to cook I used to cook up a coupe of pots of beans, a whack of Atomic Salsa (tm), and make about 60 burritos, wrap them in clingfilm and store them in the freezer. Since they work out to be about US$0.40 each, and are quick and relativly healthy (make salad to go with them =P) they make fantastic uni food.

Check out for the recipe (under "Beer" IIRC). Oh yes, kudos to Goats for the best name for a pub, Point E. Cool points for anyone who can name that reference without googling it :)
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Anne Onymous
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