Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 06/18/2002 - 2:52pm.
Archived comment by Jonathan Time:
Back in high school I had this terrible habit of scrawling "Stop Graffiti!" on all my desks. One time I wrote "Erase Me" in a box in the middle of the black board in my English class. My teacher hesitated with eraser poised while I giggled insanely from the back, then she glared at me and proceeded to write around it for the rest of the week, until the janitors washed the boards with rags Friday night. The next week I drew an impossibly childish caricature of her with "Teechr" written underneath it. Considering this was my senior year in high school, I'm surprised she put up with it.
Also clones are like the laser discs of genetic engineering. Those big, LP sized CD's that were the step between CDs and DVDs. I think the future is in nanotechnology.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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